My Review for "Breaking Dawn" book 4

Breaking Dawn  (Twilight, #4)Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The book cover I rate it 4 out of 5 because this one compared with the previous ones has a connection with the content, but for the book I will give a 5 out of 5. In my opinion this is the best book out of the 4 of them. Everything just works together; the plot starts building up right when they are in the honeymoon. Even in this book Stephanie Myer proves how different is her vampire story from the legends because Bella gets pregnant with a vampire. Bella’s life has never been more in danger of losing her life this many times compared to all the other 3 books; one of the danger is that the baby she is trying to give birth to can end her life. The crucial time is when she gets turned to a vampire and she doesn’t have the time to get used with it because she has to use her abilities to fight the Volturi for her daughter.

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