Boyfriend from hell Author interview

boyfriend from hell
"After making a good living as awriter and producer of TV sitcoms for many years, in 2006 I began feeling a bit burned out with the television grind and decided to go back to my great love, writing books. My first YA novel, Never Slow Dance With A Zombie, had modest success with a Big Six publisher. I had, and still have a great relationship with the publisher, yet I yearned for something more intimate. I found what I was looking for and more with White Whisker Books.
One of the great things about being with an independent publisher is the ability to tweak things quickly after the work is out there. This isn’t true with the Big Six. It can take months to make a change and you can lose precious time and sales as you wait for the wheels of corporate America to turn.
Check out other installments of our writing and publishing series, 'How I Did It' with Christopher Meeks and Kate White.
When White Whisker first published Boyfriend From Hell last September, it had a different book cover. It was a cute cover and lots of readers left positive comments about it on my blog.   Boyfriend From Hell got off to a decent start, yet after a month, sales slowed down drastically.  Despite doing promotions on Goodreads and popular blogs, my sales fell into a serious slump.  After a fairly successful Kindle Nation Daily promotion, sales picked and I started feeling good.   Yet days after the promotion ended my sales were once again in the toilet.
Continue reading   One thing I’ve learned from my years of working in television is that when you think something is going wrong, act fast. Fortunately, I had an intimate relationship with my publisher. The book had been out only two months when I went to Christopher Meeks and implored him to change the cover. As I said earlier, we liked the cover: It was cute, but it wasn’t provocative. I told him I wanted a gorgeous cover for my book series, a cover that even in an Amazon thumbnail would make people say “What is that?”
Fortunately, he was amenable. And so I began the search for a cover artist. I found the portfolio of an artist named Adara Rosalie online at a site called Red Bubble. I knew from the first photo I viewed that Adara was the right person. She didn’t just Photoshop photos, she was an artist with Photoshop."

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